
Showing posts from February, 2017

Java Restful Service Tutorial

REST stands for Representational State Transfer, was first introduced by Roy Fielding in his thesis"Architectural Styles and the Design of Network-based Software Architectures" in 2000.  REST is an architectural style. HTTP is a protocol which contains the set of REST architectural constraints. REST Fundamentals Everything in REST is considered as a resource. Every resource is identified by an URI. Uses uniform interfaces. Resources are handled using POST, GET, PUT, DELETE operations which are similar to Create, Read, update and Delete(CRUD) operations. Be stateless. Every request is an independent request. Each request from client to server must contain all the information necessary to understand the request. Communications are done via representations. E.g. XML, JSON >>   See Video Tutorial Here

Complete Guide To Deploy Java Web Application in Amazon Ec2 using Eclipse

Hi readers, Today I'm going to show you how to deploy simple java web application in amazon EC2 using Eclipse IDE.Before we begin we need some required things, Eclipse Java EE IDE - You can download in (Im using Indigo version) Amazon Ec2 account - (Free account is enough) Some basic understanding about java web application ok, lets start, here we go.... >>   Click here for detail steps with screenshot

Amazon EC2 Setup with Ubuntu and XAMPP Installation

I had published an article about Amazon Cloud installation, nowadays Amazon Web Services is offering 12 months free trial for micro instance with 700 MB RAM. Now they simplified few interface setting for installation process, this post will explain you how to setup an Amazon micro instance with Ubuntu operating system and XAMPP server. Try this for your first web project. >>   Click here for detail steps with screenshot >>   Amazon EC2 Cloud Installation.