Technology used behind Dspace
--> DSpace is a set of co-operating Java web applications and utility programs that maintain an asset store and an associated metadata store.
--> The web applications provide interfaces for administration, deposit, ingest, search and access. The asset store is maintained on a file system or similar storage system.
--> The metadata, including access and configuration information is stored in a relational database and supports the use of PostgreSQL and Oracle database.
--> DSpace currently support two primary web interfaces: JSPUI which uses JSP and the Java Servlet API and XMLUI (aka Manakin) based on Apache Cocoon, using XML and XSLT.
--> DSpace holdings are made available primarily via a web interface, but it also supports the OAI-PMH v2.0, and is capable of exporting METS (Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard) packages.
--> DSpace supports the common interoperability standards used in the Institutional repository domain, such as Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting , SWORD, OpenSearch, and RSS. More recent versions of DSpace also support faceted search and browse functionality using Apache Solr.
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