Top 18 Tools for Java developers

GradleBuild tool. Automates the building, testing, publishing, deployment, and more of software as well as generating static websites or documentation.

EclipseOpen-source integrated development environment (IDE). If you could have just one tool for Java development, Eclipse would be a good choice.

IntelliJIDE made by JetBrains, available in an Apache 2-licensed community edition and a commercial edition. IntelliJ provides similar features to Eclipse, with a smooth, developer-friendly experience.

YourKitJava profiler. Combines powerful analysis capabilities, on-demand profiling during both development and production, free embedding into production, and seamless IDE and application server integration.

Clover: Code coverage tool from Atlassian. Runs in your IDE or continuous integration system, and includes test optimization to make tests run faster and fail sooner.

MockitoMock library. Open-source testing framework that enables the creation, verification, and stubbing of mocks.

Jetty: Lightweight, embeddable app server.

Hibernate: Object-relational mapper. Implements the Java persistence API.

VisualVMJVM monitor. An all-in-one Java troubleshooting tool that comes with the JDK.

JUnit: Unit test framework. Core tool of test-driven development that enables repeatable, white-box testing.

Jenkins: Continuous integration tool. Customizable with more than 600 plugins.

Spring Boot: Spring application development system. Works in your build system. Supports Gradle and Maven.

Guice: Lightweight dependency injection/inversion of Control (IoC) framework, from Google.

Guava: Utility library. Contains core libraries that Google relies on in Java-based projects: collections, caching, primitives support, concurrency libraries, common annotations, string processing, I/O, and so forth.

FindBugs: Static code analyzer. Classifies potential errors in code as scariest, scary, troubling, or “of concern.” Available as a standalone GUI or as a plugin for Eclipse, NetBeans, IntelliJ, Gradle, Hudson, and Jenkins.

Jackson: JSON parser. Aims to be fast, correct, lightweight, and ergonomic for developers.

Snappy:Compression/decompression library from Google Code. A great resource when speed is a requirement.

JD-GUI: Decompiler. Standalone graphic utility that displays source codes of “.class” files. Free for non-commercial use (i.e., can’t be included or embedded in commercial products).


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