Essential Sublime Text Plugins For All Developers
We need plugins to fully customize Sublime Text rather than config customizations and tweaks. I am currently using Sublime Text version three but going to give alternatives for version two, too.
There are two different ways to install packages to Sublime Text.
First, you can download package repository zip file from package's github page then extract folder to Sublime Text Packages folder. (For Windows: {{ User name }}\AppData\Roaming\Subllime Text {{ version }}\Packages\ )
Second which is easier way, you can install through Sublime Text official Package Control manager. Navigate to page by clicking the link and grab the code that belongs to which Sublime version you have. Then, go back to Sublime Text window and paste copied code to Sublime Text Console (ctrl+"). You need to restart Sublime Text after installation complete. And lastly, open commands window, (ctrl + shit + p) then type Package Control: Install Package to install a package.
After you install a package, try to avoid making changes on package's default configuration file. Most packages will be installed as a single file on Sublime Text 3 and it does not let you modify default package configuration file. However, all of the packages will be extracted to a folder on Sublime Text 2 and it's open for user's editing. Make changes as long as possible in packages' user config file. In this way, when packages or Sublime Text itself are upgraded, you will not lose any changes you made.
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